Dictionary Of Occupational Titles Slot Machine


Dictionary of Occupational Titles (DOT) Job Descriptions

Dictionary Of Occupational Titles Online

Dictionary Of Occupational Titles Slot Machine

Dictionary Of Occupational Job Titles

  • Dictionary of Occupational Titles: Definitions of titles Volume 1 of Dictionary of Occupational Titles, United States Employment Service: Author: United States Employment Service: Edition: 2: Publisher: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1949: Original from: the University of Wisconsin - Madison: Digitized: May 15, 2017: Export Citation: BiBTeX.
  • Return to the top of this page. How to Use These DOT Excerpts to Increase Your Chances of Success. This page contains selected full-text job descriptions from the U.S. Department of Labor Dictionary of Occupational Titles. Inclusion here does not necessarily mean the job is on the TN list. It does not mean that the job qualifies for any other visa.

Machine Trades Occupations. 507: Other editions - View all. Dictionary of Occupational Titles, Volume 4 United States Employment Service Full view - 1939.

Dictionary Of Occupational Titles Slot Machine
The DOT was created by the Employment and Training Administration. It is included on this web site because it is a standard reference in several types of cases adjudicated by the Office of Administrative Law Judges, especially labor-related immigration cases.The DOT is being replaced by the O*NET. For information, see the O*NET Home Page. See also 63 Fed. Reg. 41896 (Standard Occupational Classification Revision Policy Committee's (SOCRPC) final recommendations for revising the 1980 Standard Occupational Classification's (SOC) occupational units and aggregate groups; the new SOC will serve as the framework forinformation being gathered through the O*NET).

To find the Occupation Listing by numerical designation, look in the sections linked below. If you need to find the Occupational Listings cross-referenced by Title Name, search the Alphabetical Index Of Occupational Titles to locate the Numerical Designation, then return here to find the Job Description. *Note: The Alphabetical Index is a very long file and takes some time to load.*

Dictionary Of Occupational Titles Slot Machine
Occupational Definitions
Professional, Technical, and Managerial Occupations
001.061-010 to 024.364-010
024.381-010 to 079.131-010
079.151-010 to 153.267-018
153.287-010 to 169.117-014
169.127-010 to 187.167-226
187.167-230 to 199.682-010
Clerical and Sales Occupations
201.162-010 to 219.362-046
219.362-050 to 243.367-018
245.362-010 to 272.357-018
272.357-022 to 299.687-014
Service Occupations
301.137-010 to 362.687-018
363.681-010 to 389.687-018
Agricultural, Fishery, Forestry, and Related Occupations
401.137-010 to 461.684-018
Processing Occupations
500.131-010 to 519.585-014
519.585-018 to 522.685-094
522.685-098 to 529.685-138
529.685-142 to 550.665-022
550.682-010 to 558.482-010
558.485-010 to 570.683-010
570.683-014 to 583.132-010
583.137-010 to 599.687-038
Machine Trades Occupations
600.130-010 to 613.132-010
613.360-010 to 622.381-014
622.381-018 to 651.362-030
651.362-034 to 669.686-010
669.686-014 to 689.134-022
689.134-026 to 699.687-022
Benchwork Occupations
700.130-010 to 713.684-018
713.684-022 to 726.685-054
726.685-058 to 737.367-010
737.381-010 to 761.684-010
761.684-014 to 781.384-018
781.484-010 to 795.687-030
Structural Work
800.662-010 to 821.361-018
821.361-022 to 861.381-026
861.381-030 to 899.687-014
Miscellaneous Occupations
900.683-010 to 921.683-046
921.683-050 to 962.162-010
962.167-010 to 979.687-034


Appendix A: Revisions From the 4th EditionDOT
Appendix B: Explanation of Data, People,And Things
Appendix C: Components of the DefinitionTrailer
Appendix D: How to Use the Dot for JobPlacement
Appendix E: Occupational CodeRequests


Alphabetical Index
Industry Designation
Master Definitions and Titles
Terms and Definitions

Printed copies of the DOT may be purchased from the Goverment Printing Office/Superintendentof Documents' Online Bookstore (select the Sales Product Catalog, and search for 'Dictionary ofOccupational Titles').